09 May 2006

That day was better-2003

That day was better:
I learned to know you from the beginning
And you newly closed my eyes
To think again and prepare
To take a new responsibility
And many dreams came across in these eyes
You appeared like I expected
To accompany me to begin a journey
But to advanced to fulfill

You are so dirty - you have got one already.
So what is the importance of me?


Think of years from now
And then beyond,
Think of the universe
And then beyond that,
Seems to be too much brainstorming
And uncertain;
I observed the moon and stars one night
Years back on my couch
I supposed to end this, but I must continue
And then in sorrow or pleasure
I passed those days
O no! A man of incredible passion
I'm the only person who knows
About himself what to do
I see nothing now
To give place a new;
A child has his right so I do
But too much difference in reality
We are just toward our past.

Tremendous joy is over there
After the death in heaven;
But how much joy makes one happy
And sometimes some real sorrow:
A flock of birds are flying in the sky
Are they really so happy-
Until being hungry and suffer?
And the long bliss of peace in mind
Being immortal in the contributions to the world.


There are many stars in the sky
But the sun is the brightest to us.
Many stars have their glow
But we cannot see that.
There are peoples works dusted the whole creation?
To make a change-significant
The cries of the flowers going to die
Have anyone listened
A scorching sun makes it more sense.

A beautiful girl is coming towards me
But she offered her back,
Look at the sun and the question
Will no longer exist.
A falls of thoughts develop another meaning
And after thousands of years passed
I will remain in her cry.
No boundaries can protect me from being the same
In a close outlook- it is to be arranged.


Your beauty is whatever I see or think
You are there with me forever,
The symphony with your mind
Is a supernatural inspiration to me?
It catches me in some silent mood
Spiral, unclear in your presence
In the stars with an unreadable expression
Acne to my heart, your eyes and body
Although invisible to me in the limit
Of my existence-you are absolutely
An earthly thing preventing great mystery
My power is unable to reach you
As you are the best I've seen
And I am the worst of your kind.

Unseen Nature

In my eyes nature surrenders
its expressions but
there are causes behind
that she hides for I discover
science in its every breath.

What else can I do for humanity except to cry?
And utter dusty words to God in disbelief!
if death is the
best tragedy of life then life
is the worst tragedy leading to death.